Visible’s Strategic Steering Group (SSG) oversees – and provides directional guidance to – our pioneering partnership. The group meets every two months and supports effective joint working at a strategic level between different agencies.
The SSG is made up of senior staff from key stakeholder sectors and organisations, Leeds Involving People’s Involvement Coordinator, and representatives from the Leadership Reference Group. Decision-making lies with this group, which is chaired by the Commissioning Programme Leader at Leeds City Council, Sinéad Cregan.
Senior leaders within the group represent the following directorates and organisations:
NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group
Leeds City Council
Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner West Yorkshire
Leeds and York Partnership Foundation Trust
Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust
PSI Volition/ part of Forum Central
Leeds Survivor Led Crisis Service
Forward Leeds
Women’s Counselling and Therapy Service
Leeds Involving People
Meetings provide fantastic opportunity to share good practice and ideas across statutory and third sector organisations and professional disciplines.