Visible Project, Leeds
Our goal is simple: we want to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for adult survivors of child sexual abuse.

At Visible, we are a catalyst for health and social care services system change across Leeds and beyond. We encourage, shape and instigate this change, using the experience of survivors to influence every aspect of the way we work.
Home of the Leeds Trauma-Informed Charter
Visible led on creating this document, which states our beliefs and commitment in Leeds towards establishing effective trauma-informed practice; and by, doing so, better meeting the needs of adults who’ve experienced childhood sexual abuse.
Visible Voices
Members of the Visible Reference Group discuss their experiences in this series of podcasts.
What we do
The Facts
Research shows an undeniable link between childhood sexual abuse and negative life outcomes, sometimes lifelong. Since the Savile Inquiry in 2012, services have seen a rise in the number of people talking about abuse they suffered in the past, sometimes many years or even decades ago. Find out more about CSA here
Take Action
This section supports any organisations aiming to raise awareness of the prevalence and impact of child sexual abuse, and to improve service responses. It also helps them produce their own plans for filling any gaps in their workforce competence, or their policies. Find out how here. (link to Take Action page)
Useful research
Research into child sexual abuse is growing. This can come from sources like recent reports published by the Centre of Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse and the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. We have created links to key organisations and publications and will continue to update this page when new material is made available. Read more here. (Link to Useful research page)

We bring services together at strategic, organisational and frontline levels.

We identify and share best practice, the latest information and research, and high-quality training.

We give staff the awareness, skills and confidence to work more effectively with people who have experienced child sexual abuse.

We influence policy-making and commissioning practice, and help others to take action to improve how they work.