Our goal is simple: we want to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for adult survivors of child sexual abuse.
At Visible, we are a catalyst for health and social care services system change across Leeds and beyond. We encourage, shape and instigate this change, using the experience of survivors to influence every aspect of the way we work.
We bring services together at strategic, organisational and frontline levels.
We give staff the awareness, skills and confidence to work more effectively with people who have experienced child sexual abuse.
We identify and share best practice, the latest information and research, and high-quality training.
We influence policy-making and commissioning practice, and help others to take action to improve how they work.
New resource
Opening Doors: Trauma Informed Practice for the Workplace. This short animation is relevant to every worker and will help you think about how to adapt the way you work so you can make a positive difference to people affected by trauma and adversity (such as child sexual abuse). After all, trauma is everybody’s business.
Systemic change is already in action.
I wish someone had asked me sooner what had happened to me.
Media and News
For the latest news stories and press releases, please see our media page.
Every day, this is what we do…
Practitioners understand that there are strong links between negative life outcomes and sexual abuse, and rigorous research backs this up. Since the Savile Inquiry in 2012, and during many high-profile cases more recently, services have seen increased demand for support and disclosure of non-recent sexual abuse.
Across the health and social care system workers in Leeds have asked for extra training to help them respond more effectively to survivors of abuse. From anxiety around asking ‘the question’ to concerns about safeguarding or vicarious trauma – we help practitioners just like you, and the organisations you work for.